The Streamline AI platform

Matter management software for in-house legal

Streamline AI simplifies matter lifecycle management for in-house legal teams by consolidating legal request intake, communication, review, approvals, and files into a unified, intuitive platform.

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Attachement buttonActivity History buttonRelated Requests button
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Request Details buttonRelated Requests button
Attachement buttonActivity History button

Move faster with one connected source of truth

Eliminate the hassle of searching through emails and disconnected files and chats to find the context you need. Streamline AI enables your team to create, track, and manage all legal matters — including complex parent-child and sister hierarchies — in one centralized location.

Streamline AI's comprehensive solution provides a seamless hub for contracts, documents, and every critical communication, backed by a detailed audit trail that captures a clear record of who did what and when.

Collaborate more effectively together to drive results

Streamline AI powers better collaboration between in-house legal teams and their business stakeholders. Enhance matter management with the ability to add contributors, tag comments for clarity, and assign critical actions and approvals with ease.

With clear alignment on the latest for each matter, legal and business teams can achieve faster, more cohesive business outcomes.

Streamline AI UI showing a private messaging to core users

Strengthen privilege and restrict access with confidential comments

When it comes to legal work, confidentiality can be critical. Streamline legal collaboration with core-only comments, ensuring sensitive information remains confidential and accessible only to intended recipients.

Optimize how your legal team works with the business

Leverage automation to smooth out your legal operations, making your workflow as efficient as it can be.

Streamline AI shines a light on your review and approval processes to pinpoint sources of delay. By tracking the time invested at each stage, our platform offers insights into time at each step and areas ripe for improvement, ensuring your legal team and business partners work together more effectively than ever.

Streamline AI UI showing data breakdownA further data breakdown on Waiting On

Work smarter

Scale your legal team's efficiency and effectiveness with modern workflow automation tools designed for in-house legal.

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Streamline AI integrations with Ironclad, email, Salesforce, and Slack.

Integrates with the tools you already use

Streamline AI integrates with your existing tool stack to effortlessly connect legal and business stakeholders. Flow requests through email and Slack integrations to minimize change management. Launch requests from Salesforce in a few clicks.

Centralize all types of legal intake in Streamline AI (because Legal works on more than just contracts) — automatically route marketing compliance review to product counsel and contracts to Ironclad's CLM platform. Streamline works seamlessly with the way your team works.

Matter management FAQs

Matter management software streamlines and facilitates information flows for the delivery of effective legal services by in-house counsel. A matter management system is a software solution designed to help in-house legal departments organize, track, and manage their legal requests, projects, or matters efficiently. It serves as a centralized, real-time repository for all matter-related context, including request background information, files, documents, emails, comments, tasks, deadlines. A matter management software platform facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a single source of truth for all request-related activities, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that important information is easily accessible. According to the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and Exterro’s 2023 Legal Technology Report for In-House Legal Professionals, 46% of legal departments use matter management software, up from 37% in 2021. 

Furthermore, modern matter management software systems often come equipped with advanced features such as analytics and reporting, which allow legal teams to gain insights into their operations, such as volume of high-risk requests, processing times and response times for requests, time at each review and approval step, and make data-driven decisions to improve key legal processes. These systems often integrate with other legal and enterprise software, providing seamless workflows and reducing the need for manual data entry or administrative work. As a result, matter management systems can be a powerful tool to  improve the efficiency of legal departments and contribute to better risk management and cost control.

Matter management is crucial for in-house legal teams because it streamlines the handling of and collaboration on legal matters, ensuring that all aspects of a legal request are properly documented and tracked from intake to completion. This comprehensive matter lifecycle approach minimizes the risk of missing critical requests or key deadlines, losing important documents, or miscommunicating with team members and cross-functional stakeholders. With one hub for all context, it saves valuable legal team time. It also seamless collaboration and work handoffs among legal team members, without having to search for background via emails, Slack messages, and more. 

Matter management is also vital for maintaining compliance and mitigating risk. The streamlined intake capabilities of matter management software simplify the process for business teams to submit legal requests, encouraging them to involve the legal team. If the process is too complex, business teams may avoid engaging the legal team. By having a well-organized matter management system in place, legal teams can ensure that they are meeting regulatory and legal requirements and can quickly produce necessary documentation in the event of audits or disputes. The audit trail feature of matter management software makes it straightforward to understand who did what, and when. This proactive approach not only protects the organization from potential legal issues but also enhances its ability to respond effectively to any legal challenges that may arise.

Matter management software provides critical real-time data that helps legal teams articulate their impact and value within the organization. It helps legal teams quantify the number of legal requests they process, where additional resources are needed, and identify key trends.  It offers legal leaders the transparency and visibility needed to monitor workloads, track progress, and engage in strategic business conversations.

An effective matter management software solution should encompass several key features to ensure comprehensive and efficient handling of legal matters:

  • Intake: Automatically consolidates all legal requests from multiple channels (Slack, email, Salesforce, and more) into a single source of truth, simplifying the submission process and avoiding duplicative requests.
  • Triage and workflow automation: Automates routing of requests for review and approvals to legal and business stakeholders, saving valuable time and ensuring consistent processing of requests.
  • Tracking: A centralized source of truth for all legal requests with the ability to see requests by type, owner, requestor, and latest status and approvals in one glance.
  • Collaboration: Acts as a central hub for files, comments, approvals, notes, documents, and context, including the ability to leave legal-only comments to protect confidentiality and strengthen privilege.
  • Document management: Allows for the centralized storage, retrieval, and sharing of all matter-related documents, ensuring that important information is always accessible and secure.
  • Task and deadline management: Includes tools for tracking and managing the various tasks and deadlines associated with each matter, reducing the risk of missed deadlines and ensuring timely completion of necessary actions.
  • Reporting and analytics : Provides real-time legal metrics dashboards for better data-driven decision-making and tracking of legal operations, such as volume of legal requests by type or team, time at each step, and other key legal metrics. These insights help legal teams identify opportunities for process improvements and risk reduction. 
  • Reminders: Sends alerts for key contract dates and other deadlines following matter completion, such as vendor contract renewals. This ensures that no important tasks are overlooked even after a matter is closed.
  • Integration capabilities: Integrates with other business and legal software systems, allowing for seamless communication, connected workflows and reducing the need for manual data entry.

According to the 2023 Legal Technology Report for In-House Legal Professionals, 31% of non-GC in-house counsel, 43% of General Counsel/CLO, and 55% of legal operations professionals find matter management software to be the most effective legal technology for their role.

Matter management and case management are often used interchangeably, but they refer to different aspects of managing legal work. 

Both matter management and case management address legal requests but serve different functions. Matter management offers a broad view of all legal requests and work within an organization, including contract negotiations, regulatory compliance, intellectual property, and employment law. These legal requests are both transactional and litigation-related. Matter management software helps track tasks, monitor reviews, approvals, and other progress, collaborate with requestors, and more.

In contrast, case management is more narrowly focused on individual litigation cases, managing documents, deadlines, court requirements, and litigation-specific workflows.