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Why 97% of legal teams struggle with burnout

February 3, 2025
Streamline AI

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What is burnout?

Burnout can feel like a bit of a buzzword, but it’s a real problem in workplaces all over the world.

The American Psychological Association defines workplace burnout as: "An occupation-related syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed."

Burnout can take a serious toll on mental and physical health, often leading to depression, insomnia, and even high blood pressure and heart disease.

The extent of legal burnout

Burnout is all too prevalent among in-house legal departments. Lawyers who suffer through these circumstances do so with low morale, poor productivity, and increased absenteeism. Many in-house counsel eventually get fed up with the situation and quit, placing further strain on the attorneys who remain.

“[Burnout] was so exhausting. I was starting to lose my drive. I couldn’t sleep. I was so stressed. That was when I knew I needed to reevaluate what I was doing.”
- Josey Hoff, Paralegal Voice podcast

A recent survey of in-house counsel showed that many already have one foot out the door. Here are just a few of the startling statistics:

  • 97% reported stress and burnout, with 39% saying it is “severe.”
  • 54% reported low job satisfaction levels.
  • 58% were actively searching or were open to a new position.

These numbers suggest that burnout affects almost every legal team — including yours. So, how do you recognize it?Signs of burnout among legal professionalsAt a high level, burnout often manifests as symptoms of physical and emotional exhaustion, disengagement, and a sense of inefficacy. Here are a few questions you can ask to determine whether you and/or your employees are burned out:

  • Do you question the value of your work?
  • Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started?
  • Do you feel removed from your work and the people you work with?
  • Do you lack the energy to do your job well?
  • Do you feel little satisfaction from what you get done?
  • Do you feel let down by your job?

Source: The Mayo Clinic, Job burnout: How to spot it and take actionRecognizing burnout in yourself, your peers, and any legal professionals you manage is the first step to preventing it from becoming a crisis.

What causes legal burnout for in-house counsel?

Workplace burnout is generally caused by a lack of control over assignments, unclear expectations, and insufficient support. Unmanageable or unpredictable workloads and high-conflict environments also contribute to chronic stress.When it comes to in-house legal teams, recent data show there are some specific factors that lead counsel to disengage from their work. In order of prevalence, these are:

  • Repetitive tasks: A high volume of monotonous work can lead to boredom and frustration.
  • Administrative burdens: Inefficient legal processes that require significant admin time can diminish job satisfaction.
  • Siloed work: Limited opportunities to work on diverse projects can cause stagnation.
  • Lack of technology: Many legal departments are stuck in the past, using manual processes that limit efficiency and make the strain of repetitive or administrative tasks even worse.
  • Work not aligned with company goals: When legal priorities don’t align with the broader organization, internal conflict can erupt and create unnecessary stress.  
“There is a significant risk of burnout for people who are under-challenged in their work, expected to do dull, mindless, repetitive tasks without variety, and those who see their work as meaningless.”
– Eva Selhub, MD, Burnout for Dummies

How to address and prevent legal burnout

Burnout is a workplace issue that can only be resolved at the source. Putting bandaids on the problem, like sharing mental health tips or resources, won’t eliminate burnout if you don’t address the root causes mentioned above.You can minimize workplace burnout with these strategies:

  1. Invest in the right technology. Get your team organized with tools built for legal teams. Lawyers will love tech that helps them do their jobs better and faster instead of standing in the way. Ultimately, they want to use their expertise to contribute to more complex, sophisticated matters, so arm them with tools that make it possible. In-house legal matter management software automates the repetitive and administrative tasks that eat up much of lawyers’ time. It also facilitates collaboration and improves visibility, so lawyers feel less siloed and legal work is better aligned with company goals.
  2. Prioritize regular check-ins. Regular one-on-one meetings help lawyers feel heard and valued by legal leaders. Use these sessions to clarify roles and expectations, review workloads and priorities, and ensure employees feel supported to pursue growth opportunities.
  3. Show appreciation. Lawyers who feel that their employer values their talent, skills, and inherent worth — not just their ability to generate revenue or billable hours — report much better mental health and are less likely to leave the profession due to burnout or stress.
  4. Lead by example.
    Promote work-life balance by modeling it: Work normal business hours, respect personal time, and take time off to encourage your team to do the same. 

For a deeper dive about how to avoid burnout, check out Avoiding Burnout, featuring a panel of legal leaders who share their real-world experiences, lessons learned and best practices.

Better matter management = less legal burnout

Reducing stress starts with better processes. By streamlining matter management, legal teams can focus on meaningful work without feeling overwhelmed.

If you’re ready to take action, review Streamline AI’s industry-leading matter management software for in-house legal teams, and contact us today to schedule a demo.

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